Tag: real estate

How to Find the Perfect Location for your Business

Where should you start your search for the perfect location? Damon Becnel says the location is important because it can have a huge impact on how successful your business is. Some businesses, such as restaurants and stores, need to be located in highly populated areas with plenty of potential customers. Other types of businesses can thrive in less crowded locations that allow them more freedom to grow. This article will discuss some steps that will help you find the perfect spot for your new business!

Consider your current location

The first step is to consider where you are currently located. Is there a way that this current location can help your business? For example, if you work from home and have a large enough property, renting out part of it for commercial purposes could be an excellent source of income! Also, consider how much time and money will go into moving or remodeling the space before it becomes a viable option for your business. If either one takes too long, determine if another location might better suit your needs instead.

In some cases, looking at other locations isn’t necessary because staying put works just fine with what you already have available to use. You may even discover new ways to use the space around you, which will allow customers to come to you. The key is to use what’s available and go from there!

Research what type of business you want to open and the demographics in that area

Once you have decided on the type of business you want to open, it’s time to do some research. Look at what types of businesses are already in your area and how successful they are. It may also help see if there is a way for your business model or product line to create something new or fresh amongst nearby competitors.

The next step is looking into who makes up the demographic within your business’s area. Consider age, income level, race/ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc. These demographics can impact many things about starting a small business, including the affordability of products & services being offered and marketing ideas and customer service practices, among other things! Knowing this information ahead of time can help you adapt your business accordingly and create a successful location.

It may be beneficial to look into the average income level of those who live within that area and other factors such as cost of living, crime rates, etc. So you have a better idea what type of expenses might come up for both starting and running a small business! You will also consider these things when determining how much rent or property taxes should be paid each month/year. Depending on where your new business is located, this could make or break your company financially before it gets off the ground!

Look for a space that is available, affordable, and has good traffic flow

Once you have determined the type of business you want to start and researched your demographic, it’s time to look for a location! In addition, consider whether or not starting small will be beneficial or if you would rather go all in from the beginning. Think about how much traffic flows through this area because depending on what kind of business you are opening, either one could make a big difference!

Take note of any other types of businesses nearby since these can affect your customers. It may also help determine how loyal they might be, which is important when determining pricing strategies and marketing efforts, among other factors related to running a successful company! Consider nearby amenities and driving distances for those who live nearby, including anything from public transit options, parking, and gas stations.

Make sure it’s close to public transportation so employees can easily commute

If you are looking to hire employees, they must have easy access to public transportation. If this isn’t possible, be sure that there are other options available for them, such as carpooling or working from home in some cases depending on the type of business being run! This ensures a more reliable workforce and decreases stress levels, which can impact productivity and morale among workers when commuting is too difficult each day.

Take into account any necessary licenses or permits needed to operate from this location 

Finally, before you sign the contract or rent agreement, be sure that it is fully understood what permits/licenses are needed to operate from this location. This includes everything from business licenses to property tax certificates and other types of approvals depending on where your new business might be located! If you are not sure, then reach out to your local government for more information and assistance.

Not only can this help save time, but it will also save money in the long run because getting all of these things done ahead of time ensures that there isn’t any unnecessary downtime once you have opened up shop! Depending on the business’s start, a lot may depend on timing, so consider how much lead-time is needed and whether or not renovations need to be made before opening day, etc. Just know that having everything ready from the beginning makes running a small business easier, resulting in higher profits, among other benefits!

Be mindful of zoning ordinances as well as building codes

Beyond the necessary permits, it is also important to know zoning ordinances and building codes that might affect your business. These could include signage, use changes, operating hours, etc., so you have a better idea ahead of time what types of limitations will come with opening a small business in this area! Luckily there are several resources online to help you stay up-to-date on the latest information and changes, including your local government’s website, which is found using Google or other search engines.

We hope you’ve found the information useful. Searching for real estate can be hard, but take your time and find what you think will be perfect for your business. Some of the most important decisions you make will involve choosing a location for your business.

Rusty Tweed Explores the Impact of Sustainability on the Real Estate Industry

Rusty Tweed Sustainable Homes Rusty Tweed Explores the Impact of Sustainability on the Real Estate Industry

The Challenges of Current Real Estate

Sustainability will become even more important as time goes by. The simple reason is there simply isn’t enough of each resource for everyone. As the world population continues to grow, we will need more and more innovation to meet the ever-evolving needs of the growing population. This is especially true in the real estate industry.

Rusty Tweed has invested a good deal of time and effort to help champion the cause of sustainability. The major challenge is the fact that people are moving to the city in droves, which puts a high demand on public infrastructure and the ability to live comfortably. The real estate market is one of the most burdened parts of the economy when it comes to adapting to sustainable standards. There are a lot of things to consider to meet the ever-growing need for sustainable housing.

The main reason why it is so difficult to meet that growing need is the technology we currently have for making houses. We just don’t have what is needed to build a strong and stable house with little to no input. As automation gain steam, it will need to take root in the real estate industry in order to reach more sustainable standards. The way we build houses is too slow which means the prices are greater than they should be, and the energy requirements are also out of control.

How Sustainability Will Help the Situation

Rusty Tweed is one of the many successful businessmen and women who are leading the charge toward an emphasis on sustainability through solar. The addition of solar power and wind power is crucial to lowering emissions and making the housing industry more sustainable.

There are several developments that could potentially contribute to this goal. For example, there are now solar panel roof tiles that act the same way as normal tiles. You put them on your home, and they generate electricity for about a decade. They are able to power your home in the daytime and even return energy back to the grid if the homeowner manages to overproduce. They don’t take up any extra space which means you never have to worry about making space of them on your roof. The best part is they pay for themselves and eventually become a profit-generating entity on your home. This type of technology is what is needed to help move to a more sustainable future.

On top of solar panel tiles, you also have microturbines that can be installed on your roof. While they may not be as powerful as normal 1 MW wind turbines, they generate enough power to run some appliances in your home and put energy on the grid. If we all install these power-generating turbines on our home, it will make the task of generating electricity much less burdensome for the environment. This will contribute to how sustainable we can live since we won’t run out of wind or solar. These two technologies are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to making sure we live a sustainable future.

Another advancement aiming to make things more sustainable is the addition of electronics and IoT devices to the mix. In extreme environments like Phoenix and Florida, we are seeing people burn hundreds of kilowatts of power just to keep their homes cool. This is extremely wasteful as people are outside the home most of the time working. You don’t need to have your air-conditioning system running even when you aren’t at home. IoT powered thermostats can fix this issue by allowing the home to turn off heating/cooling while no one is home and return the house to a comfortable temperature only when it will be in use.

Where Does Technology Fit In?

Technology will be the biggest driver of sustainability in the future. Technology will change the way we live and power our homes. It will also change the way homes are built with the addition of machines and technologies to make things available quicker. The biggest thing that will change is automation. The way we build houses will need to be transformed by robots building the houses for us. For example, 3D printing technology is being trialed as a way to make houses. You set up a 3D printer after making the foundation and it can print a house for you in only a day. This type of machine enables building homes on a scale never seen before. When you build with a 3D printer, you also use fewer materials and you are able to spend more time on other aspects of homebuilding. You are also able to make homes in parallel which could not be done before without needing increased manpower.

On top of 3D printing, what will be driving the era of sustainable living will be electronic sensors built into the home. When it comes to electronic sensors, you can control almost everything. Almost everything in the home can be automated, but heating and cooling will be the things most essential. They are the biggest users of energy in a home. Having smart electronic controls connected to your heating and cooling system will make them a lot more efficient. You also make them even more efficient if you connect them to solar and wind power generated at the site the home itself. These types of technologies will bring about efficiency that has not been seen before. It will also contribute to the sustainable future of the real estate industry. This is something the industry needs to do in order to survive.

What Changes Need to Happen in Real Estate

Sustainable living is essential to the survival of the real estate industry in the long term, which means the ability for people to get housing at affordable prices. There will always be a need for homes, but the supply may not meet the demand without sustainable means of generating electricity. Generating electricity is fundamentally the main issue that must be overcome in the future. Every home needs to have integrated solar roof tiles that can power at least a part of the energy requirements of the home. This is the fundamental change that needs to happen.

In the future, every building will need to have some way of generating power. For skyscrapers, the glass will need to be able to generate power from the sun. For normal buildings, a large solar panel array will need to be mounted, and for the home we will need to have the roof tiles or even a few solar panels on top.

The next step will be building the home quickly and efficiently. This will need to happen through automation and robotics. There are many robotics companies working on robots that can help people build houses more quickly. They can get materials that are needed and eventually, they will be able to do some of the work that humans are now doing. With these types of technologies, the future is bright for the industry.

However, it will need to be done quickly since the prices for homes are always on the rise. This will mean a lot of people won’t be able to own their own home and will have to rent. For the future to be as sustainable as we need, these technologies will have to be applied on a massive scale in order to bring down the prices of homes so everyone can at least afford one for themselves. We will also need better energy storage solutions for excess power generated by a home. The battery of the future will need to be more robust while also storing more power per kilogram. Current lithium-ion battery technology will need to be simplified and the price will have to go down.

How 3D Rendering Changes the Way Realtors Work

3D rendering is an impressive feat of technology which has just recently entered the field of architecture. Companies like Renders 3D Quick can help clients take ideas or floor plans and turn them into realistic three-dimensional images. How does this change the way that realtors work?


Imagine that you are describing an idea for a new building. You can imagine it in your mind, but can only use words to describe it. Now think about how powerful it would be to give someone the exact same images that you can see in your mind. You could show them the shining window surfaces, the way the roof is angled, and the way it would feel to walk into the building. These powerful images could help you sell your idea. In addition, a three-dimensional rendering of a place means that real estate agents clients no longer need to be physically present in order to experience a space. Let’s go over both changes.


Real estate agents know how powerful visuals are when it comes to selling. They might have to wait for a spec house to be built so that they can walk potential buyers through the room and show them what space looks like. With three-dimensional rendering, a real estate agent could begin selling a home before the home is even built. Instead of just describing it, they could ask a company like 3D Render to make a complete three-dimensional virtual reality visual of the house. This would give the potential buyer a visual experience of the house, and the real estate agent could sell it before it is even built.


The second major change for the way Realtors work will come from the physical location aspect of making a sale. Instead of waiting for busy times of the year or fluctuations in a tourist economy, a realtor will have the power to make sales regardless of the physical location of the customers. This opens new avenues of marketing and customer targeting. Realtors from any area can now target customers in any area of the world, regardless of the convenience or ease of attending a showing. A potential buyer will no longer need to be physically present in order to see a three-dimensional model, visually, of what the house or space looks like. Because a virtual reality space can be multiplied an unlimited amount of times, a realtor can “show” space virtually much more times than he or she could physically show it.


A three-dimensional image of a building is much more impressive than a two-dimensional photograph or floor plan. Although the potential buyer will want to eventually walk through the property in person, the 3D image will go a long way towards giving them a feel for space.


Real estate agents have been leveraging 3D images since the products first became available. Agent Shawn Battle is one example of a real estate agent who began using 3D imaging early and has found success with it. Do you use 3D imaging in your real estate practice? If not, do you think that you want to try it?

5 Real Estate Photo Tips

1. Make Good Use of That Tripod.

What’s it even there for if you never use it; am I right? Pull out that sucker and show the positioning field of scope what it’s all about, my friend; you’ve got the power. HDR techniques are especially useful with a good tripod by your side. There’s so much more that a tripod allows you to do as it frees your hands and mind even more.

2. Bring Plenty of Flashes with You.

You never know when you’ll need them, and it’s usually when you least expect to use them. This has been the case with multiple new or seasoned photographers, and a good real estate photographer should be no less professional when he takes that money shot.

Whether in daylight or night-time darkness, you’ll be prepared.

3. Work within a Specified Contract, and Never Let It Leave Your Side.

As obvious as this fact would appear to most, you would be surprised to note the number of people that often fails to consider it or value its importance. The result is astounding, yet the simple point must be likewise repeated: Always read the fine print and understand it first. Never enter a contract until you’re fully certain of its terms and implications even if you assume that you know every dot and tittle. It never hurts to ask before signing away; in fact, it’s your right to do so. Keep your contract with you in case you need to review or address a part of it to the client.

4. Be Flexible and Relax: You’ve Got This. Open Yourself to the Possibilities.

The f word is key in this industry, and I don’t mean the f word that you’re probably thinking of: I refer to flexibility. This is an industry that requires much re-scheduling, re-shooting, re-pricing and overall re-planning. Are you prepared to handle such a flow? If not, then this may not be the best choice of careers for you. Sometimes the client or your boss will say, “Scratch that” and begin a new line of thought, leaving you scrambling to pick up the pieces within the looming deadline.

5. Make Pre-Set Editing a Friend.

This saves you both time and extra effort in the long run. Different cameras have varied settings for this with some far more elaborate than others and others far more elusive – yet nearly all professional cameras feature these settings unless yours was made before 1990 or some similar time. All joking aside, this is the first thing that you should do after you get your new camera: Learn its settings and features as you diligently browse that manual. Memorize the pre-set options so that you can use them as needed, and then apply them to your settings manually or automatically.

Rocco Basile has much to offer, so listen up. This special leader offers more tips on his main website. Check it out.

Amir Modjiri is The Miracle Real Estate Man

Amir Modjiri Beach Real estate

Everyone wants to live on the beach as it’s a magical peaceful place full of friendly people. The constant wind blowing causes the hot days to not be as hot and the sound of the waves crashing on the shore makes for truly therapeutic moments. Why doesn’t everyone live on the beach? Answer: Real estate around the beach is nearly gone because people are already there and it’s more expensive being closer to water. The reason why the expense is higher is because of the greatest risk of flood as well as the demand for the land.

Amir Modjiri not only is in the business of real estate but is also in the business of making miracles happen and making a way where potential homebuyers see no way. Not only has Mr. Modjiri gotten real estate on the beach, he has also lowered the price from sky high to possible, causing his business to flourish by word of mouth because his clients were satisfied.


Jared Londry’s Recent Commercial Sales Illustrate More Than Just the First Rule of Real Estate

Jared Londry Realestate brokerCommercial real estate broker Jared Londry has been principally involved in some of the most impressive recent sales in the Charlotte area and beyond, and there is a great deal to be gained by other brokers seeking to achieve a similar degree of success in their own brokerage efforts. Of course, the commercial properties in which Londry represented sellers in transactions yielding as much as $39.5 million and quite a few others of well over $7 million were located in areas in which rapid business growth has contributed to an increase in demand for commercial real estate.

While the importance of location with regard to all real estate properties is an enduring and undeniable truth, the role played by Londry and his firm should not be overlooked and certainly should not be minimized. Preparing for and executing any sale of such magnitude requires quite a bit of expertise and diligence, and consistently executing sales such as these cannot be done well without a strict attention to detail and a work ethic that goes above and beyond any and all reasonable expectations.

Buyers of these kinds of properties do not make the decision to go ahead with such a sizable commercial real estate investment without performing their own due diligence and research, but it is worth noting that the buyer’s decision-making process can be aided by the broker representing the seller if they are able to provide the kind of comprehensive and relevant information all potential buyers need to evaluate before feeling comfortable enough to approve the transaction. This often requires the broker representing the seller to perform research that reveals what each buyer is seeking in a commercial property and what features they are likely to value most.

Behrman Communications on Researching Real Estate Investment Strategies



Two generation family looking at a house for saleIt is an unfortunate truth of real estate investing that far too many first-time investors fail to properly research all of the various factors that will have an impact on the eventual outcome of the investment. A public relations and brand building firm such as Behrman Communications would likely compare failing to properly research a real estate investment as similar to walking into the offices of a publication for a deskside meeting without having read the publication or having made any attempt to develop even a modest understanding of the publication’s subject matter.

The difference, of course, is that the worst possible outcome for improper deskside meeting preparation is a missed promotional opportunity. The worst possible outcome for improper preparation for a real estate investment, on the other hand, is a potentially devastating financial loss. This is why there must be such a tremendous emphasis on proper preparation through a consistent commitment to researching real estate investment strategies.

It’s also critical for investors to understand the unique factors that may have an effect on the market in which they are considering making an investment in real estate, as market research is going to be every bit as important in ensuring the best possible return on investment as any other factor. One thing should remain clear, however, which is that failing to properly prepare for such a sizable investment through an appropriate commitment to research will result in greatly enhancing the risks associated with an investment that already carries a significant degree of uncertainty.

Ironfish Reviews Evaluative Strategies for Successful Property Investment

lawn-768316_960_720Assistance and support can come in many forms, and first-time property investors ought to be well aware of the fact that any kind of guidance that does not include education will leave the investor without the skills necessary to properly evaluate future properties. This is why Ironfish reviews its practices often to ensure that its clients are getting a full range of support that includes a clear focus on educating and empowering clients in such a way that each client is able to become increasingly confident in their ability to quickly and accurately evaluate the potential value of an investment property.

Many investors quickly learn that there is tremendous value in securing properties during the pre-public phase in order to avoid the demands of the market inflating the cost of making the initial investment. There is also a clear value in securing turnkey properties that have been completely vetted as a potential investment before making a commitment to purchase the property, and, as any real estate agent would likely be quick to note, beachfront and properties with scenic views are always in demand and tend to be easily moved regardless of the state of the market.

For first-time property investors, developing an understanding of the basic property investment principles is of paramount importance, but these first-timers also tend to be exceptionally eager to get started as well. This is why investors would be wise to seek out an investment program that offers guidance for developing a personalized strategy while also seeking to inform and empower the investor at the same time.

Identifying the Strongest Real Estate Markets for 2016

While the real estate market as a whole is prone to upward and downward trends, there always seem to be certain markets that are somewhat immune to the factors that shape the strength or weakness of other geographic areas. There are a number of ways to evaluate various markets to determine which ones are poised to grow at rates that eclipse those of other areas, as the presence of significant international investments or innovative industries can insulate a market from a negative influence. There are sure to be changes from year to year, but the following four real estate markets are poised to enjoy the greatest deal of success for investors in 2016.


The rapid growth of this market has been a real boon for roofing contractors Phoenix, as there has been plenty of quality construction going on in the area as the real estate market continues to gain steam. With plenty of outside investment and a record of stable and consistent growth, the Phoenix area is increasingly being recognized as a strong market that warrants the attention of serious real estate investors. As an added benefit, there are many other incentives that come with living in the state of Arizona or investing in the real estate market by purchasing property within the state’s borders.

Los Angeles

There are just some markets where it seems that there is no possible way that the value of real estate can continue to grow, yet it inevitably does just that. With a high cost of living and its famously inconvenient traffic, Los Angeles has consistently enjoyed significant real estate growth going back several decades. Investing in this market requires access to a great deal of capital, but the return on the initial investment is so strong that it is entirely worthwhile to lay out such a significant figure. For investors capable of making such an outlay, the real estate market in Los Angeles may represent a safer option when compared to other markets in which property can be found at such a reduced rate.

New York

One of the most interesting developments in the real estate market over the past few decades has been the transformation of some of New York’s most infamous areas. It was not too long ago that Brooklyn — Williamsburg in particular — was considered so unsafe that property could be snapped up for pennies on the dollar. Properties in those formerly undesirable neighborhoods are now going for seven and eight figures, and similar opportunities exist throughout New York City to find properties in areas poised for rapid growth. Investors looking for a relatively short-term investment may find an ideal market in New York City.

San Francisco

Like Los Angeles, the price of real estate in San Francisco has always seemed to be so costly that there is no possible way to imagine it continuing to go up in value. The market in San Francisco, of course, is stronger than ever, with the city enjoying tremendous growth aided in part by the presence of many successful tech companies along with an influx of residents seeking to become part of the continuously booming tech industry. While the value of real estate is stronger than ever, the likelihood that a downturn is on the horizon is absolutely minimal. To enter the San Francisco real estate market, investors have to have quite a bit of capital at their disposal, but the potential for a sizable return in this market is as likely as ever

Real Estate Purchases Require Enthusiasm Tempered by Analysis

There are a variety of factors that go into the decision to buy a home or to otherwise invest in the real estate market, and it is important to recognize what those precise factors are in order to arrive at the best possible outcome. After all, some of these factors are not always so easily recognized due to the variety of emotions that can exert influence over a decision in a way that leads even the most analytical of minds astray. Developing the ability to control the influence of an emotional response during this process can be exceptionally beneficial, but complete suppression of this kind of influence is not always the best course of action either.

As with many things, a balanced approach to real estate is best. Those who adopt an entirely analytical approach may find themselves living in the home that is most likely to appreciate in value over time, use energy efficiently and require minimal future maintenance, but there will still be something about the home that leaves the buyer unfulfilled. On the other hand, allowing a decision to be guided solely by emotion will result in a purchase that is less than ideal for any number of reasons, leading to potentially serious financial consequences along with a variety of other issues. In the same way that Arizona Home Caregivers are able to balance compassion with careful analysis of the individual needs of those they care for, so too must homebuyers balance their own emotions along with an analytical approach.

How can buyers achieve such a balance and be sure that their emotions are not undermining what is likely to be the most significant purchase of their lives? One of the simplest strategies is to solicit the advice of others, but only if very specific terms have been outlined. This is because the advice provided by others is often no more than a reflection of the wants and needs of the individual proffering the advice. The advice solicited by homebuyers should therefore be related to how to arrive at a particular decision rather than whether the decision is a sound one. Essentially, this is asking for help regarding the decision-making process rather than help regarding the final outcome, which is valuable for several reasons.

Seeking the advice of others for help in the decision-making process ensures that the steps taken to arrive at a decision are sound and not overly influenced by the emotions of any of the involved parties. This also ensures that there is no second-guessing over the decision, as there are many people who can be quite manipulative in convincing someone to arrive at a certain outcome. While this is often an unintentional manipulation, it is simply human nature to want to see others arrive at a decision that reflects the preferences of the advisor even when that decision may not be in the best interests of the advisee.

Process-based analysis removes the possibility that emotion plays too large a role, but it still allows it to enter into the final outcome in a way that is actually beneficial. Since a home is a place that represents comfort and safety but also must be viewed as a long-term investment, the combination of emotional enthusiasm and thoughtful analysis is essential for arriving at a decision that benefits the buyer. After all, there are many people who would happily deal with the adverse issues associated with salty air if it means being able to watch dolphins jump out of the ocean every morning, just as there are many people who would happily live in a less-than-ideal space if there is the opportunity to earn an outstanding return on investment. Through process-based analysis, the homebuyer can take those emotional and analytical tradeoffs into account when selecting the most ideal home.