Author: Beach

4 Questions You May Have About Real Estate and Divorce AND Their Answers

Real estate and divorce is an incredibly hot topic. Many people who are going through a divorce do not know how the assets should be properly split up. They will no doubt have plenty of questions about what they should do in order to make sure they get what is theirs. Unfortunately, many of their questions may go unanswered and can result in an unfair allocation of assets. We have some information that will help answer some important questions about real estate and divorce from a Tampa divorce attorney. Let’s take a look at 4 of the most popular questions on the subject.


Should I Sell The House That We Had Together? 

Staying in the home that you both lived in together can be incredibly difficult. The home keeps too many unwanted memories of a failed marriage that was not meant to be. However, selling the home is a question many people consider whenever they are going through a divorce. The answer will come down to one primary aspect: are you able to afford the house on your own? You will want to put the house on the market if your spouse moves out and the mortgage is too much for you to handle. 

Should I Advertise a Divorce Sell? 

Oftentimes, a divorced couple will want to sell their old assets that they no longer want. There are various methods that you can do to sell unwanted items and make some extra money during this time. However, many people advise that you do not outright advertise your sale as a divorce sale. Many people will be turned away from purchasing your items if they think you are desperately trying to make a quick buck. Simply stage your home for sale and don’t make it obvious to potential buyers about your relationship situation. 

How Involved Do My Kids Need to Be in The Process? 

Divorce is incredibly tough on the entire family. Include them on what is happening in the overall process if the divorce has been relatively civil. Speaking with your ex-spouse about finding the best way to have visitation rights is crucial during this time. You will want to find out where your ex-spouse is moving to and plan accordingly. Pets are also another important aspect that needs to be discussed during this time. Deciding who gets to keep the dog or cat is an important thing that both parties need to figure out. 

What Should I Do About The Mortgage? 

While it is possible to get your name off of the deed, the mortgage is almost impossible. This will make it more difficult for you to separate from your ex-spouse financially. Credit scores can be ruined if both parties fail to cooperate when it comes to handling the mortgage. Working out how you both can handle the mortgage is crucial to ensuring that both parties do not end up in a bad financial place. Speak with your ex and find an amicable solution. The stakes are too high if you do not work this one out. 

Working Together When Things Seem Hopeless 

Getting a divorce is incredibly trying for all parties involved. However, there is much more to a marriage than simply loving another person. Real estate management is incredibly important to think about whenever a couple is going through a divorce. This is why it is in both parties’ best interest to work together during this time. Financial institutions do not care if you can not work out a solution with your ex-partner. All they care about is receiving their payments on time. Use this guide from a Tampa divorce attorney to help you make the right decisions during this time. 

5 Affordable Housing Loans You Should Know About


Owning a house is oftentimes the most important and expensive decision one makes. Because there are conscious people and groups who don’t want others to pay as much, there are plenty of affordable housing programs to choose from. These can also be ideas used to give people more affordable rates for renting apartments or homes in certain areas. For this reason, in this article we will be discussing the topic of affordable housing loans you should know about so if you’re planning on buying a house, it will be easier for you and less stressful.

By definition, affordable housing is housing which is affordable for people who make a medium income. You still need to qualify for these loans so make sure your credit is high enough as it needs to be for a regular loan. Below are five examples of these affordable housing loans.


FHA Loans

In 1934, the United States created the Federal Housing Administration to promote the ownership of a home. Because of inflation, homes will be relatively the same price

USDA Loans

For suburban and rural people looking to purchase a home in these areas, a USDA loan gives you the benefit of zero down payment on your mortgage loan. These are categorized as affordable housing because it allows anyone with good credit the ability to purchase and live in a home as opposed to an apartment. The down payment is one of the major obstacles to the home purchase process, but removing it gives buyers a better chance and cushion on their finances.

FHA 203K Home Renovation Loans

This can be considered a branch from the FHA tree. An FHA 203K Home Renovation Loan allows the borrower to have enough capital for both the purchase and the renovation of a home. The loan is most often given to people who choose to purchase and renovate a run-down or older house that is typically damaged. It is funded by 203K lenders but is backed by the Federal Housing Administration.

VA Loans

The Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA) provides this loan to give members of the military service, veterans, and certain spouses of previous military personnel in order to purchase a home with zero down payment. They’re given to individuals by private lenders and are also backed by the Department of Veteran Affairs. Conventional loans typically require a 20% down payment so this is a much better option if you fit the criteria.

Ready Buyer Home Path Mortgage

This is more of an all-around home-buying process education program because there are so many resources involved. You’ll have access to a list of foreclosed homes that are for sale. It’s also an education program for the homebuyer which also can provide assistance with closing costs to first-time buyers. It also a good choice if you’re purchasing the property as an investment.

In conclusion in this article we discussed the topic of affordable housing loans and how they help people with medium to low income. Each of these has different benefits as well as different drawbacks, but which loan you choose will depend only on your specific situation. You may be in a dilemma being both a first time home buyer and an ex NAVY Seal so which loan to get, the FHA or VA will depend on which one ends up giving you more leverage for a lower interest rate. Before you move forward it would be wise for you to contact a professional like someone from Chenoa Fund Loans at the Chenoa Fund.

Colby Burke Discusses The Best Neighborhoods to Live in Hilton Head

South Carolina’s Hilton Head Island is a truly spectacular locale. If you’ve been able to visit Hilton Head before, you likely already know that the hardest part of the trip is leaving it behind.

Of course, you don’t need to just be a visitor in Hilton Head Island. The folks there are more than eager to welcome new residents and it’s easy for anyone to fit right in.

However, before you pack up your things and put money down for a new home, it’s best to get a lay of the land first. In this article, we’ll talk about some of the best neighborhoods of Hilton Head so that you can find the best spot for you on the island. This Colby Burke Hilton Head overview should provide you with all the essential information you need.

Sea Pines Resort

I would argue that the best part about living in Hilton Head is that it’s a town built and designed for those who want to spend their time enjoying the wonders of nature. Whether you prefer just lounging around on the beach or trying out some outdoor activities, this place will be able to accommodate you.

Sea Pines Resort in particular is a great place to live in for anyone who fancies spending most of their days outdoors.

The folks who live in Sea Pines Resort can hop in their car, drive for a bit, and find three championship golf courses nearby, per

Don’t worry. Even if you aren’t a golf fan, you’ll still find plenty to do in Sea Pines Resort such as horse riding and biking. Owners of yachts also love this place because there’s a marina nearby.

This place is still right for you especially f you’re interested in living somewhere with a beach nearby. South Forest Beach is located in Sea Pines Resort and it’s been described by Beachside Getaway as a “one mile stretch of scenic shoreline.”

Sea Pines Resort is an idyllic community and it’s a great place to live in for young professionals and retirees alike.

Windmill Harbour

Living near the coast is an appealing option for many people and you can do that by settling down in Hilton Head’s Windmill Harbour.

The majority of homes located in Windmill Harbour have a terrific view of the water.

Even if architecture is more of your thing, Windmill Harbour still has you covered. Take a quick stroll around this place and you’ll quickly see all kinds of examples of Southern architecture. These stunning creations are best seen in person.

You’ll also be able to enjoy a more relaxed vibe if you choose to live in Windmill Harbour.

Not as many people live in this part of Hilton Head compared to Sea Pines Resort. Still, it’s an undeniably beautiful locale.

Port Royal Plantation

Billed as Hilton Head’s only “completely private oceanfront residential community,” the Port Royal Plantation is where you should go if you want to experience what it’s like to be in paradise all by yourself.

You can walk out of your home, head to one of the nearby beaches, and find no one there but yourself. It’s a surreal experience that is truly worth enjoying.

If you want to do more than just take quiet walks along the beach, you can also go kayaking or fishing while in Port Royal Plantation.


You’ll be hard-pressed to find any spot in the United States that is as beautiful as Hilton Head and if you ever get the opportunity to live there, I suggest you take it. While you’re in Hilton Head, you’re unlikely to ever develop a desire to go on vacation because you’re already living in paradise.

Hopefully, reading this Colby Burke Hilton Head guide has helped you identify which part of the island is best for you to live in. 

Tips to Keep Your Deck in Tip-Top Shape

A Fancy Wooden Deck Wood Deck

Decks can be expensive, and they can end up being a pretty big investment. Since this is the case, you don’t want your decking materials to start looking bad because it isn’t being maintained. The good news is that there are a few things you can do to keep it looking great and, hopefully, the tips below will help you do that. 

Clean it

For starters, you want to make sure you keep your deck nice and clean. While there isn’t a set cleaning schedule, you should try to do it every few months and you can clean it in between those times if you see that it’s needing it. Keep in mind, different areas are going to require different cleaning times, so make sure you clean as much as you need to. First, remove all items from the deck and sweep away any debris. Next, you should use a cleaner that’s specifically made for decks. Pour it on the area and scrub with a brush or washcloth. Finally, take a bucket of water or water hose and wash away any residue. 

Stain it

Generally, you want to stain your deck every 2 to 3 years. It is up to you, though, and you don’t have to stain it that often if you feel it looks fine the way it is. Before starting the staining process, you want to make sure you remove all items and debris. If possible, you should wash the deck and let it dry thoroughly. Once you do that, you can stain it. Wait for it to completely dry before putting the items back. The great thing is that you can pick any color you want, and you could even change it each time. 

Keep it Sealed

You also want to make sure to keep your deck sealed. The good thing about seals is that most stains will already have them included. If they don’t, you’ll have to buy them separately. If it is included with the stain, you’ll already be sealing at the same time you’re putting new stain on. If it isn’t, you should still put some down at the same time. This means that the sealing and staining process should be on the same schedule and be done together. There are quite a few different types of stains out there and you’ll have some things to figure out, such as the features of the sealer and how it’s applied. 

Remove Snow

It might not seem like a big deal, but you also want to make sure you remove the snow in the winter time. The reason for this is because it can cause many issues to come up, including wood warping and breaking. There’s also the chance that it can soak into any areas that aren’t sealed well. While it might seem like an inconvenience, it will save you both money and time in the long run. With that being said, you don’t have to remove snow if it’s just a small amount. Only remove it if it’s several inches deep. 

Replace Damaged Boards

You should also make sure you replace damaged boards. This is another thing that doesn’t have a certain schedule. Depending on the area you live, you might need to replace boards every few years, while people in other areas might need to replace them after several years. It’s something that can be figured out by just looking. Just to be safe, it’s a good idea to inspect boards every year to see if they’re all in good shape or not. The good thing is that most decks are made in a way that won’t require you to completely tear it down to replace one board. You should be able to pull the board up while leaving everything else alone! 

Replace Nails

Replacing nails is extremely important because, if you don’t, it can cause many serious issues to come up. Examples would be boards not being secured and causing people to fall, as well as nails sticking up and stabbing people in the foot. If you see boards that are loose or missing nails, make sure you reinforce them by adding more. If you see nails sticking up, try and hammer them down. If that doesn’t fix the issue, completely remove the nail and replace with new ones. 

As you can see, it takes a little work to keep your decking materials looking good. If you want a deck that’s always looking great, you’ll have to put some work into it. Remember, all the hard work will pay off in the end and you’ll continue having the deck of your dreams!

How Harnick Kang Chooses a Property to Invest In

Rental property

The Crucial Criteria Experts Use to Choose a Property


Millions of Brits are looking to break into the lucrative world of real estate investing. They know that investment can be risky and difficult. Investing has a significant chance of loss and failure for many investors. But for those investors who are looking to get started and do not know where to turn, there are answers. Investors like Harnick Kang have made a considerable amount of money investing in and choosing properties. They are happy to share their knowledge in order to ensure that more likely investors take the plunge and take advantage of the plethora of money available in the real estate field.


Location is often viewed as the central tenet of real estate. A perfect location in London or Sheffield can make up for a number of deficiencies that any building might have. Location can ensure that individuals are close to the amenities that they will want to frequent on a regular basis.

One location may be closer to a place of business or a popular park than others. The internet has revolutionized the ability to view many locations and gain a sense of their potential profitability. Individuals can stay in their beds and look up street views of millions of homes all across the country and around the world. With this potential, one would think that finding a proper location would be easy.

But Harnick Kang disputes that assertion. He believes that there is more to a property than the profile shown on a real estate website. Websites do not show how active or friendly a community is. They do not capture the nuance of certain neighborhoods and the relationships between neighbors. In order to capture this information, individuals need to actively explore different neighborhoods. They should never purchase a house or rental building before they spend several hours in that neighborhood at many different hours of the day. Only through persistent research can an individual determine whether or not a location is worth their investment.


Investors like Kang are also sensitive to the price of a property. They scour listings and the internet for many hours per week on a quest for the best prices possible. Kang makes sure to carefully analyze the prices that appear and make the right connections in order to learn when properties will appear on the market and at what price.

He sometimes has relationships with real estate agents who will let him know when prices will increase and decrease. In other situations, he knows how prices have moved in a neighborhood. A successful investor like Kang needs to be so familiar with real estate prices that he can find and seize a good deal in a matter of hours. If not, there is a good chance that his competitors in the area will.

Rental yield

Rental yield with a house or a block of flats is also a primary consideration for Kang. This term refers to the amount of money that an investor hopes to make from renting out a property. Net rental yield is determined by subtracting the costs associated with paying for and owning a property from the overall amount of money brought in from rent. Rental yield helps an individual decide when they should sell and how much income they could make from a property while they owned it. This metric is incredibly helpful for determining whether or not the repairs and maintenance associated with a property would be worth its cost.


Investors often have a hard time choosing a property to buy or invest in. They spend weeks and months researching, analyzing, and talking to professionals. They occasionally make mistakes and have to sell early to cover their losses. But in total, these investors have the potential to earn tens of thousands of pounds from their investments. Listening to an investor like Harnick Kang can ensure that an investor makes as few costly mistakes in this process as possible.

Why Mark Hanrahan Believes The Midwest is Ideal for New Real Estate Development

Why Industry Expert Mark Hanrahan Sees the Midwest as the Ideal Place to Put Down Roots in New Developments

Once considered “flyover country,” the Midwest has emerged as one of the best-performing areas for commercial real estate development in the United States, according to Mark Hanrahan, founder and managing partner of Markmel Company. “Attributes such as centralized location, favorable tax incentives, skilled labor pool, relatively low cost of living, high quality of life and generally strong market fundamentals make Midwestern states ideal for new commercial real estate development,” said Hanrahan. Additionally, nearly 30 percent of Fortune 500 companies are headquartered in Midwestern states, and the Urban Land Institute’s Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2019 report calls out Minneapolis-St. Paul, Indianapolis, Columbus and Kansas City as the Midwestern metropolitan areas with the brightest futures with regard to commercial real estate demand.

Industrial Development

On the industrial side, as e-commerce business continues to grow, demand for warehouse and distribution space is growing as well. Online sales are projected to reach more than $700 billion in the United States by 2022, and Amazon has more than 40 fulfillment centers in the Midwest alone. Amazon and other retailers are turning to the Midwest for distribution centers for a variety of reasons. The top three largest rail hubs in the U.S. — Chicago, Kansas City and St. Louis — are located in the Midwest, and many Midwestern cities, such as Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Columbus, are within a day’s drive of 50 percent of the U.S. population.

Office Development

The office sector in the Midwest is just as strong as industrial. In Indianapolis, for example, downtown office buildings are almost 100 percent leased — primarily by technology companies — and firms have invested more than $3.6 billion in downtown properties. Of the 20 finalists to win Amazon’s second headquarters, three — Chicago, Columbus and Indianapolis — are Midwestern cities. (Pittsburgh is also a candidate, which straddles the fence between Midwest and East Coast.) Venture capital is flowing in Ohio as well, where, according to the VentureOhio 2017 Venture Report, nearly $500 million was invested in more than 200 startups in 2016. Other Midwestern cities are focusing on construction of world-class medical centers and sports facilities, such as the new Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee and Little Caesars Arena in Detroit, to drive office and mixed-use development.

Mixed-Use Development

The confluence of technology, medicine and sports, combined with the desire of millennials to live in an urban, walkable environment, has spurred a multitude of mixed-use developments across the Midwest. In Indianapolis, the construction of an all-electric bus system, a more cost-efficient labor pool, and a thriving life sciences industry is bringing firms downtown to planned, mixed-use communities. In Cleveland, a federal historic tax credit program is enabling the city to redevelop abandoned structures into mixed-use buildings, while nearby Shaker Heights is developing a district to include office, multi-family and retail components with a walkable town square. Even Detroit is shaking off its recent doldrums with the retrofitting of many obsolete downtown properties into mixed entertainment, retail and office facilities to attract primarily millennials.

Future Outlook

“Investors and developers who are seeking a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) of at least one million, with civic leadership that provides tax incentives and a diversified economic base, are investing in the Midwest,” said Mark Hanrahan, who has successfully negotiated and facilitated more than $10 billion in multifamily, office, retail and industrial transactions. Both startups and established firms located in the Midwest can offer Silicon Valley-type perks and benefits at a much-reduced cost, attracting skilled labor looking for a lower cost of living. And they can take advantage of the area’s inherent friendliness and hospitality, qualities that go a long way with developers and venture capitalists when selecting where to invest next. For these reasons and more, whether downtown or in the suburbs, the Midwest is ideal for real estate development.

Where Nate Armstrong Sees as the Best Regions for Real Estate Investing

Where the Experts Like Nate Armstrong of Home Invest See Opportunity

According to Nate Armstrong of Home Invest, real estate investors must research deeply on properties, contractors, and other necessary information before buying a house. The best areas to purchase real estate property for equity and cash flow growth often have particular aspects in common: population growth, job growth, and affordability. Once you find an area that has these specifications, consider investing in that locale as soon as you can. These characteristics still exist in many U.S. areas, locations where you can purchase high cash flow property and watch as your equity grows. This article will highlight some of these locations. Read on to find out what factors makes them good places to invest.


Orlando, Florida

The market demand for family homes has been increasing for a while in the state. It is still possible to purchase fully renovated real property in nice Florida neighborhoods at friendly prices. Even more fascinating is that, despite the unbelievably low housing prices across the state, most home seekers have opted to rent instead of purchasing. As a result, this position has caused rental rates to increase.

Other than the good cash flow, values are skyrocketing in this area with no indications of decelerating any time soon. The prevailing prices are nowhere close to 2006 highs because builders cannot make good profits at the prevailing price points. Insurance and property taxes are low; plus, the state does not impose any income taxes. Consider the warm weather and good healthcare in the state, and you can imagine why over ten thousand baby boomers are moving to Florida every day.

Orlando ranks as one of the best locales to buy real estate property in Florida as of 2018. Located across the state’s Sun Belt region, the area is popular for its warm weather, entertainment, tourist attractions, beautiful beaches, and renowned amusement parks.

The area has a combined population of over three million residents. For this reason, the city’s real property market is motivated by baby boomer retirees, job seekers, and students who wish to live in a cheerful and cheap location that promises high-quality life at a reasonable cost.


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The Pittsburgh Metropolitan is the 22nd largest metro area in the U.S with a total population of over 2.3 million people. Pittsburgh is widely referred to as the City of Bridges due to, unsurprisingly, its many bridges. It is also home to a number of large corporations that assist in growing and moderating the metro’s economy. Pittsburgh economy does well on education, healthcare, robotics, technology, financial services, film production, and glass.

Moreover, the region is well known for the production of natural gas and oil. Also, given that the city is home to prominent financial organizations like PNC Financial Services, Federal Investors, and BNY Mellon, Pittsburgh promises to be a good area to invest in real estate.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ranks the city as one of the best places to invest. The list also considers Pittsburgh to be one of the best markets for growth and redevelopment. Additionally, according to RentRange, rent costs for homes increased by 12.6 percent in 2018. That is why the metropolitan might be the best place to purchase real estate property this year.


Huntsville and Montgomery, Alabama

Huntsville is about 90 miles north of Birmingham. Founded in 1811, the city is well known for its deep Southern heritage and a number of space missions. The city in Alabama is referred to as the rocket city due to the Marshall Space Flight Center that enabled Neil Armstrong to walk on the moon.

Currently, Huntsville ranks as one of the most popular cities in the Southeast area of the country. According to USA Today, Huntsville is one of the top cities that is prominent in the economic recovery. Also, Money magazine considers the area to be one of the most affordable cities in the nation.

Huntsville offers a great opportunity to real estate investors. The city is one of the most affordable markets in the U.S, it prides itself in a steady job market, and has an ever-increasing population. These are good indications for real estate investors interested in generating passive revenue.

The real estate sector will likely continue improving in terms of demand and interest rates. However, it is still important to execute due diligence while purchasing real property. According to Nate Armstrong from Home Invest, the Home Invest platform is the first application on which investors can choose their property, select a contractor, and choose a property manager to ensure that homebuyers have an enjoyable experience while they build their passive portfolio.

4 Ways Architects Are Modernizing The Real Estate Industry

Brian Setencich

Architects are resourceful professionals. Although they have completed their degree understanding the traditional styles of property design as well as some contemporary ones, they should still be able to engage in self-taught learning. This is because times have changed for real estate. You can notice this when skyscrapers, homes, and other commercial establishments look different than they were 30-40 years ago.

According to freelance architect and expert Brian Setencich, there are many reasons why architects should always be updated with the trends:

  • As the population grows, there is a need to create space-saving properties. An example of a country that has adopted modern architecture to save space in Hong Kong. They have created units that sprawl as high as 30 stories for residential homes. Additionally, people have also opened up to the idea of tiny spaces for minimalistic living.
  • The elements of modern architecture are much different. You don’t have to be an expert to notice the difference in styles. Now, modern buildings have fewer frills, more into creating spacious-looking rooms, and uses more straight lines than intricate details.
  • Architects have to be updated with what clients want. As the years move forward, so are the clients. The younger generation has different tastes, and this is evident in their home choices. Architects must understand what they want, or present options that are affordable yet aesthetically pleasing.

What are the ways that architects are paving the way for modernization in real estate? Let’s find out more through this post.

4 Ways Architects Are Modernizing The Real Estate Industry

Architects have embraced minimalistic design

Now, minimalism isn’t just for the simple–it can take on many forms. Minimalism can also mean elegance and class in modern architecture. New buildings are made and inspired by the Japanese or Zen-like structures, which are not into many details but are described by more simplicity and less clutter.

The younger generation prefers this kind of establishments because they are easier on the eyes, affordable to create and only emphasizes the essential. Now, architects who are building on new properties have moved away from the frills-filled classical architecture into the minimalistic modern types.

Architects prioritize safety in modern establishment ideation

Aside from style and design, architects are also finding ways to make establishments safer than ever. This means making use of sturdy materials based on the terrain, location, and weather of the lot. Safety is all about making sure that the proper foundations are built and the right materials are used during the construction process.

Modern architects can now team up with engineers and other members of the real estate development to share ideas. This can be done simply now through collaborations in the virtual space.

Architects can incorporate eco-friendly strategies into their profession

Over the last few years, there has been an increase in the preference to push the world into a more eco-friendly state. According to Brian Setencich, this movement has also affected not just the manufacturing or energy industry. The green movement is also affecting the real estate industry as well.

Now, architects are taking on the challenge to create spaces which are made of eco-friendly materials. In some areas of the world, some architects have proposed making use of compressed plastic as hollow blocks as a means to save concrete and recycle the plastic for affordable homes. This is a genius idea that has paved the way for a more sustainable living.

Architects help transform home foreclosures

An example of a show that helps in the modernization of home foreclosures is those from HGTV called “Fixer Upper”. These professionals are inviting families that are home-shopping and asking them to pick second hand or foreclosed homes. After the choice, the professionals work their way into modernizing the home based on the preferences of the family.

This is a great way to inspire future homeowners not to be intimidated by picking foreclosures. With the right choices, they can save money and continuously transform old homes into new ones.

Architects have been and will always be important in the real estate industry. As times change, so does their skills and capabilities to modernize their scope of influence.

How to Keep an AC Unit Running Properly

Air Conditioner

In the summer or in areas with tropical climate all year such as south Florida, the heat may sometimes become unbearable. This prompts one to have a working air conditioner to assist one to relax at the comfort of their home in a cool environment. Most households have ACs installed, as is the norm in the tropical areas, but some do not realize what it entails to have a properly working AC. After installation, what next? This is an important question that people with ACs should get answers to.

AC installation is the first half of the puzzle. Tommy Smith Weston fl, recommends regular check ups, repairs and maintenance for the air conditioners to keep providing their service. Often people do ignore the repair and maintenance part. This is essential to ensure your AC unit runs properly throughout its life time.

AC unit serves up to an average of 15 years after which it is advisable to replace or consult with a technician for the best step to take. To ensure an AC unit runs properly and smoothly all year, below are some tips;


  • Removing Debris

AC units needs to be checked for debris once in a while to avoid clogging up and causing irreparable damage. Leaves and other debris are an easy fix. Using a vacuum, one can clear out debris from the interior to clear out the fan cage.


  • Cleaning And Straightening The Fins

The fins could be covered with dirt or debris which if left to build up affects the AC proper functioning. The cleaning should be done using a cleaning spray and a garden hose with a gentle stream to avoid damaging the fins. During the cleaning process, you can boost its efficiency by straightening any bent fins. Straightening the fins will enhance air flow.


  • Attend To The Blower Filter

In dusty areas, the blower filter should be changed frequently to avoid airflow reduction. When changing the filter, one should consider replacing it with one identical in the airflow rating. If you opt for a do it yourself process, ensure that you match the air-flow directions on the blower filter to those on the unit.

Other easy processes for a proper running AC unit include levelling the unit, cleaning the evaporator coil and cleaning a plugged evaporator drain. These tasks are simple and one can do them themselves or contact technicians to do the job. However, caution should be taken when performing the tasks yourselves. Before starting the above processes, shut off the power for safety purposes.

Aside from having your AC serviced for efficiency and preventing health issues such as asthma, there are some mistakes to be avoided that cause inefficiency of the air conditioning unit and pose great risk to your safety. These mistakes are such as;


  • Poorly Positioning Your Thermostat Or Vents

During installation, the positioning of the AC unit and thermostat should be of great importance. If the thermostat of the AC is exposed to sunlight or is placed near a lamp, it will cause inaccurate readings. Misplaced thermostat equals huge electric bills since you will always be cranking up the AC due to inaccurate readings. In addition, the AC vents should not be blocked by any furniture or curtains. Obstructed vents limits air circulation leading to ineffectiveness of the AC unit.


  • Not Having A Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostat not only save your annual AC bill but also improves its efficiency. With non-programmable thermostats, one may never tell or accurately predict weather changes when leaving the house. You may set your thermostat based on the morning weather only for it to change later. Programmable thermostats are easy to handle especially phone-controlled smart thermostats.


  • Keeping AC Unit Running Even When Not Necessary

Air conditioning units can run all year but sometimes it is advisable to give it a break. While away from the house, you can turn it off. If not so, one can set it high so as to avoid the house getting too hot which will take long hours to cool down.


  • Placing The AC Unit In The Wrong Place

Air conditioners do not add any beauty to the house and some may prefer to hide it somewhere out of sight. Some will place it behind plants or shrubs which is a very big mistake. By placing it here, ventilation will be hindered and condenser coils will become clogged up with leaves.

The deceptive self sufficient nature of AC units makes it easy to make the above mistakes and ignore the maintenance it deserves.

Tommy Smith Weston FL recommends frequent servicing of the AC units just like one will regularly service their cars. Avoid incurring huge AC bills and repair or replacements costs by acting upon the maintenance processes. If not sure on how to take care of the air conditioning system, seek technician’s expert opinion.


Luis Enrique Coll’s Guide to Real Estate

Luis Enrique
Luis Enrique
Real estate can seem to be an intimidating industry to get into. Whether you are an average joe, someone who has an intermediate knowledge, or even an expert, you may come across a set of challenges which may still come as a surprise when buying and selling properties.

Despite the challenges, real estate keeps itself as one of the most profitable industries. Property never depreciates in value, and there are a lot of agents gaining profits from buying and selling homes and commercial units. According to Luis Enrique Coll, a real estate expert, here are some real estate investment statistics:

  • Residential real estate investing is in a boom because of the home flipping business
  • Foreclosures can be brought in public markets, which make it accessible for others finding a home
  • Some real estate agents who own properties for rental proved to be a billion dollar business

Given the benefits of real estate investment, many people are not sure about the basic principles in becoming an agent. In this post, we will be looking into Luis Enrique Coll and his guide for the basic principles you need to understand before getting into the real estate business.

Luis Enrique Coll’s Guide to Real Estate

1. Get educated, then get started

Real estate is a complex business, but it is highly profitable at any point in time. The best part about real estate investment is that they give such a high return for a short period of time. Unlike other business models that only give your trickles of profits, real estate can give you returns in bulk.

Consequently, these high returns means that you would also need a larger pocket of money to invest in. There is also a bigger risk when it comes to this type of industry. This is why you need to get educated about the type of real estate niche you choose, then get started right away. There is no wrong time to start in real estate.

2. Establish a good line of credit

If you are planning in becoming an agent or an investor, it is very important to have a good line of credit. There is just an element of trust that comes along an investor with a good credit.

This also gives you the ability to purchase property, recommend property, and get loans which you may be needing to expand your business. Although not a firm requirement, it can help you gain a leverage compared to other investors who cannot scale their business because of poor credit score.

To improve your line of credit, make sure to pay your bills on time, pay your other property mortgage, and be able to record other alternate lines of credit to help you strengthen your score.

3. Start with residential real estate investments

If you are not sure about the real estate niche you will be picking, you might want to start on residential real estate. This niche has proved to be an easy entry point, and would yield quicker profits over time.

New families who are starting their lives together are looking for a home, additionally, people who are moving cross-state may also be looking for a place to stay, either for rental or purchase. People constantly look for this because having a home is a necessity. That being said, it will be easier to find a residential client than a client who is looking for a commercial unit.

As a real estate beginner, you can try getting into residential investments initially.

4. Start your team with trusted individuals

No real estate investor is an island. In fact, a lot of successful investors have networks where they are part of. Through these networks, they are able to find potential customers, and they can get referrals and pass on referrals when needed.

Additionally, your team can help you promote properties, add their knowledge, skills and expertise in help closing out sales for potential customers.

5. Invest in progressive locations

When it comes to real estate, some investors would attest to this quote: “Location, location, location.” This means that you need to invest in sites where people like to live in, where there are great opportunities to start a life, build a career, or be a part of a community.

Progressive locations are your best bet to be successful in real estate. Investing in properties where there is low population, poor opportunities, and other unlikely livable conditions may not be the best idea no matter how affordable you brought the property for.

By keeping mind these fundamental principles, any real estate investor will be able to succeed in the business. It takes moments of learning, steps of action, and continuous progression to earn the best profits when getting into real estate.