In Real Estate, Branding Matters

When it comes to selling real estate, more and more agents are beginning to realize the value of cultivating a unique brand. In a crowded market that has seen an influx of newly certified agents, it is extremely valuable to be able to create a sense of separation from the rest of the field through brand awareness. This is not an easy proposition, but it is becoming a very necessary one.

There are a number of ways to begin creating a brand, says Mo Howard, West Virginia football player. The first step is for the agent to adopt some style element that makes them immediately recognizable. This could be as simple as a boldly colored tie or dress, or it could be something far more expressive than that. No matter what it is, Howard emphasizes that it is important to do something to create separation.

In expanding that brand awareness, agents should consider using a vehicle wrap or at least custom graphics so that they are easily recognizable wherever they go. As with all things in this day and age, a web presence is of vital importance, so active participation in social media and the maintenance of a blog can do wonders for an agent’s ability to earn in a crowded market.

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