The Challenges of Current Real Estate
Sustainability will become even more important as time goes by. The simple reason is there simply isn’t enough of each resource for everyone. As the world population continues to grow, we will need more and more innovation to meet the ever-evolving needs of the growing population. This is especially true in the real estate industry.
Rusty Tweed
has invested a good deal of time and effort to help champion the cause of
sustainability. The major challenge is the fact that people are moving to the
city in droves, which puts a high demand on public infrastructure and the
ability to live comfortably. The real estate market is one of the most burdened
parts of the economy when it comes to adapting to sustainable standards. There
are a lot of things to consider to meet the ever-growing need for sustainable housing.
The main reason why it is so difficult to meet that growing need is the
technology we currently have for making houses. We just don’t have what is
needed to build a strong and stable house with little to no input. As
automation gain steam, it will need to take root in the real estate industry in
order to reach more sustainable standards. The way we build houses is too slow
which means the prices are greater than they should be, and the energy
requirements are also out of control.
How Sustainability Will Help the Situation
Rusty Tweed is one of the many successful businessmen and women who are leading the charge toward an emphasis on sustainability through solar. The addition of solar power and wind power is crucial to lowering emissions and making the housing industry more sustainable.
There are several developments that
could potentially contribute to this goal. For example, there are now solar
panel roof tiles that act the same way as normal tiles. You put them on your home,
and they generate electricity for about a decade. They are able to power your
home in the daytime and even return energy back to the grid if the homeowner
manages to overproduce. They don’t take up any extra space which means you
never have to worry about making space of them on your roof. The best part is
they pay for themselves and eventually become a profit-generating entity on
your home. This type of technology is what is needed to help move to a more
sustainable future.
On top of solar panel tiles, you also have microturbines that can be installed
on your roof. While they may not be as powerful as normal 1 MW wind turbines,
they generate enough power to run some appliances in your home and put energy
on the grid. If we all install these power-generating turbines on our home, it
will make the task of generating electricity much less burdensome for the
environment. This will contribute to how sustainable we can live since we won’t
run out of wind or solar. These two technologies are just the tip of the
iceberg when it comes to making sure we live a sustainable future.
Another advancement aiming to make things more sustainable is the addition of electronics and IoT devices to the mix. In extreme environments like Phoenix and Florida, we are seeing people burn hundreds of kilowatts of power just to keep their homes cool. This is extremely wasteful as people are outside the home most of the time working. You don’t need to have your air-conditioning system running even when you aren’t at home. IoT powered thermostats can fix this issue by allowing the home to turn off heating/cooling while no one is home and return the house to a comfortable temperature only when it will be in use.
Where Does Technology Fit In?
Technology will be the biggest driver of sustainability in the future. Technology will change the way we live and power our homes. It will also change the way homes are built with the addition of machines and technologies to make things available quicker. The biggest thing that will change is automation. The way we build houses will need to be transformed by robots building the houses for us. For example, 3D printing technology is being trialed as a way to make houses. You set up a 3D printer after making the foundation and it can print a house for you in only a day. This type of machine enables building homes on a scale never seen before. When you build with a 3D printer, you also use fewer materials and you are able to spend more time on other aspects of homebuilding. You are also able to make homes in parallel which could not be done before without needing increased manpower.
On top of 3D printing, what will be driving the era of sustainable living will be electronic sensors built into the home. When it comes to electronic sensors, you can control almost everything. Almost everything in the home can be automated, but heating and cooling will be the things most essential. They are the biggest users of energy in a home. Having smart electronic controls connected to your heating and cooling system will make them a lot more efficient. You also make them even more efficient if you connect them to solar and wind power generated at the site the home itself. These types of technologies will bring about efficiency that has not been seen before. It will also contribute to the sustainable future of the real estate industry. This is something the industry needs to do in order to survive.
What Changes Need to Happen in Real Estate
Sustainable living is essential to the survival of the real estate industry in the long term, which means the ability for people to get housing at affordable prices. There will always be a need for homes, but the supply may not meet the demand without sustainable means of generating electricity. Generating electricity is fundamentally the main issue that must be overcome in the future. Every home needs to have integrated solar roof tiles that can power at least a part of the energy requirements of the home. This is the fundamental change that needs to happen.
In the future, every building will
need to have some way of generating power. For skyscrapers, the glass will need
to be able to generate power from the sun. For normal buildings, a large solar
panel array will need to be mounted, and for the home we will need to have the
roof tiles or even a few solar panels on top.
The next step will be building the home quickly and efficiently. This will need
to happen through automation and robotics. There are many robotics companies
working on robots that can help people build houses more quickly. They can get
materials that are needed and eventually, they will be able to do some of the
work that humans are now doing. With these types of technologies, the future is
bright for the industry.
However, it will need to be done quickly since the prices for homes are always on the rise. This will mean a lot of people won’t be able to own their own home and will have to rent. For the future to be as sustainable as we need, these technologies will have to be applied on a massive scale in order to bring down the prices of homes so everyone can at least afford one for themselves. We will also need better energy storage solutions for excess power generated by a home. The battery of the future will need to be more robust while also storing more power per kilogram. Current lithium-ion battery technology will need to be simplified and the price will have to go down.